About Me

I grew up on a 5 acre hobby farm on the outskirts of the small town of Rotorua, Aotearoa (New Zealand.) During my childhood, I occupied my time by catching tadpoles, watching fly struck sheep slowly die during childbirth and hiding in my bedroom with the curtains drawn. Some of my achievements during my early years were to push my toddler brother through an electric fence to escape a charging bull, making the morbid but important scientific discovery that if you remove a snail’s shell it does not become a slug and achieving status as an all-powerful super-being who went by the intimidating moniker, “Rainbow Ghost”.

During my teenage years my main hobbies were making heaps of dirty and hormonally angsty art, having awkward sex and continuing to hide in my bedroom. Due to complicated reasons that I now attribute to my undiagnosed autism, I missed many years of schooling and did not graduate highschool. However, in 2006 I received my Advanced Diploma in Art and Design from Waiariki Institute of Technology in Rotorua, Aoteroa. In 2007, I received my Masters in Fine Art from RMIT in Naarm (Melbourne) Australia. This, of course, lead me down a secure and lucrative career path of working in credit card debt collection and porn until I made the bold decision to become unemployed and very much disabled for seven years with a chronic pain condition in my arms called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. In 2018 I underwent a couple of surgeries where I had muscles cut and pesky ribs removed which took several years to rehabilitate and at times I still can struggle with nerve pain. The surgeries have allowed me to slowly return to my practice as a visual artist after a ‘hiatus for almost a decade.

My visual art has been exhibited in New Zealand and Australia and is part of private collections all over the place and I am currently studying classical art at Atelier Melbourne Academy. I’ve dabbled in ethically minded feminist porn for over ten years and appeared in a documentary on kink and intimacy, Love Hard. I produced and starred in a musical comedy show entitled Slutmonster and Friends which won an award, got nominated for another one and was described in Crikey as “gross out porn of the highest quality.” We also created a demented web series, Trying My Best which you should watch because I think it’s really quite good. Through my performance work, I have developed an interest in physical theatre and have recently received training in Red Nose Clown, Commedia Dell’arte and Bouffon from Giovanni Fusetti and Pedro Fabio. I am also regularly studying Japanese dance and performance style, Butoh, with Yumi Umiumare and recently took part in the collaborative productions “Colour Fool” in March 2021 and “Odd Hours” in May 2021 as part of the ButohOUT! Festival, both which received Green Room Award nominations. I launched my first solo show, Oh Yuck It’s Me, in 2022 and it was was nominated for “Best Performer” and “Best Production” in Independent Theatre for the Green Room awards. In 2023 I co-devised and performed in “Stickybeak” which won “Best in Comedy” in the Melbourne Fringe Festival. I also performed in “Butoh Bar – Out of Order” as part of ButohOut! 2023.

I am a visual artist, performer and smut maker and a queer, kinky, neurodivergent femme. In regards to the conceptual stuff of art making, my work tends to deal with notions of kitsch, nature, climate emotions, rewilding, neurosis, the monstrous feminine, sexuality, ecology, fear, the beautiful, grotesque, lowbrow, taboo, the sublime and the abject. Climate grief is increasingly becoming a driving force in my art practice and I’m driven by the belief that art can be medicine. I like boobs, coral, genitals, colours that burn your eyeballs and long walks on the beach looking for mermaid corpses.

Basically, I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a voracious appetite for exploring new forms of expression. Or maybe it’s my ADHD which I received a diagnosis for at the end of 2021 at the tender age of 37.

If you want to follow me on social media, you can find my Instagram here. 

If you want to write me love letters, tell me secrets or give me lots of money, you can contact me below!

Contact Me

