I don't censor my artwork and I like painting boobs, so if you're a kid this ain't for you
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I don't censor my artwork and I like painting boobs, so if you're a kid this ain't for you
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About two years back, I was watching Everything’s Gonna Be Ok, a television show written about characters with autism, played by actors who are actually autistic. While watching the show, I found myself relating to the characters in ways that are rare for me (I have hardly ever encountered characters on TV and in movies […]
I wonder if the problem was never me. I wonder if there was never anything wrong with me to begin with. I wonder if I just perceived the chains around my throat a little earlier. I wonder if I simply reacted against the oppression the suffocation the limitations the violence of factory farming children through […]
So many of my friends would have already guessed it by all the stuff I’ve been sharing lately but I’m going to just come out officially and say that I am autistic. No, not instead of ADHD, many people have both; in fact, there is a great deal of overlap which makes me feel if […]
I have dyscalculia. (More on dyscalculia here.) It is a learning disability pertaining to maths and is common with ADHD and Autism (contrary to the stereotype of all Autistic people being maths whizzes.) I learned I have dyscalculia only recently, while researching and educating myself about my own neurodivergent mind, it made so much sense. […]